Friday, January 15, 2016

Guatemala has a New President

President Morales is the new President, a comedic actor believe it or not, and he won the residency of Guatemala with the slogan "not corrupt, nor a thief". There had to be a new election as the past President Otto PĂ©rez Molina and Vice President Roxana Baldetti were arrested on fraud charges and are now in jail. Also, there are more than a dozen ministers and deputy ministers that have resigned &/or been jailed.

The general atmosphere is negative to this new comedic President. Apparently he's taking office without a party, without well-qualified people he trusts and with a state apparatus that's really in financial and institutional ruin.

But the country is rejoicing nonetheless with parties everywhere. Here in San Marcos, there is celebration and a new major but the major benefactors are the people- they're getting free food and beer after all the speeches!


  1. Hey you two, the trip has just started and look what you've seen and experienced so far- new governments and different lifestyles. Well, I've been thinking of you and am so delighted that you are blogging as it's a great way to reach out to those of us at home. Keep well! Suzanne

  2. That's what I call travelling! experiencing local life and culture. Imagine a year of inner transformation, I envy you.

  3. free beer, sounds great. thanks for the updates.
